
Definition - What does Vermentino mean?

Vermentino is a light-bodied wine made in the region of Sardinia, Italy. It is a wine often compared to Sauvignon Blanc for its complexity and depth of styles of wines it can create. Signature aromas and/or flavors of Vermentino wine are those of green almond with notes of white peach and grapefruit. It is also a wine that can also show terroir depending where it is cultivated.

WineFrog explains Vermentino

Vermentino is a wine mainly recognized by its origins from the island region of Sardinia, Italy. However, it is also produced in France's most southern region of Languedoc-Rousillon and Provence. It is also a wine made today in Argentina, Austraila and Lebanon.

It is a light-bodied wine which has been compared to Sauvignon Blanc, although it may have some notable differences in aroma, taste and texture. The wine's acidity is slightly lower or buffered depending on where the grapes are grown.

Like many other wine varietals, Vermentino has a signature taste. It often takes on the flavor of an unripe almond or white peach. It is also similar to green pears or pink grapefruit. As with many wines, where it is grown and how it is made varies depending on the region.