
Definition - What does Skin mean?

In the context of winemaking, "skin" is the term given to the outermost layer of a grape berry. This part is integral to the winemaking process, especially for red wines, as it houses tannins, pigments, and flavor compounds. During maceration, the interaction between the grape juice and skins is what imparts the wine's hue, mouthfeel, and aromatic profile.

Vintner's Guide to Skin

Skin condition is pivotal in viticulture; the health and maturity of grape skins at the time of harvest can prefigure the wine's quality. For white wines, skins are typically separated from the juice swiftly to prevent tainting the wine with excessive tannins or color. In contrast, red wine production often hinges on the duration and management of skin contact to extract a balanced profile of flavors and tannins.